Supply Chain Operations

Post-Sales Support & Strategy

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Many organizations find themselves focused on product sales, often overlooking the high costs associated with the post-sales support of those products – i.e. returns, repairs and warranty operations.

Evaluation of post-sales strategies – such as the decision to insource or outsource return or repair operations – enables an organization to improve customer service levels while reducing logistics costs. The end goal is to optimize processes in returns, repair and warranty operations to mitigate costs in the reverse logistics supply chain and improve customer service performance.

Chainalytics’ Post-Sales Support and Strategy service helps companies reduce these overlooked costs by addressing the following concerns:

  • How effective is our reverse logistics program?
  • How can we reduce returns and maximize recovery?
  • How well do our current operations mitigate repair and warranty costs?
  • Is our Post-Sales support service aligned with customer service expectations?


Our solutions include:

  • Cost Reduction / Process Improvement
  • Insource / Outsource Determination
  • Diagnostic / Software Reflash Implementation
  • Warranty Management Strategy
  • No Trouble Found (NTF) Reduction
  • Metrics / Dashboards / Control Towers
  • Product Development and PLM strategy
  • Returns and Repair Capacity Planning and Modeling

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