Neelesh Asati

Managing Director, Asia Pacific


Neelesh is Managing Director, APAC at Chainalytics based out of Bangalore, India office. He manages overall delivery and leads business development activities in the APAC region. Neelesh has a rich and diverse mix of supply chain experience – supply chain planning, product management, analytics services, consulting, and corporate functional roles – across multiple industries.

Before joining Chainalytics, Neelesh worked with Cisco for over six years in the supply chain. At Cisco, Neelesh set-up and led a global supply planning Center of Excellence. He conceptualized and led large-scale transformational programs to re-engineer processes, systems, and roles within Cisco’s supply chain. He also managed the new product introductions for critical business units to optimize the supply chain for cost/margin, risk, and ramp planning. Before Cisco, Neelesh worked at IBM Global Process Services. He led business development (solutioning and offering management) and overall delivery for supply chain and customer experience analytics verticals.

Neelesh has a Bachelor’s degree in Technology (Manufacturing Science and Engineering) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and a Master’s in Management from the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow.

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