Service Supply Chain

Reverse Logistics Strategy

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Chainalytics’ Reverse Logistics Strategy service helps organizations evaluate their returns and repairs operation against current best practices to capture improvement opportunities.

Analyzing reverse logistics strategies, such as the decision to insource or outsource operations and reverse logistics network design, enables your organization to improve customer service levels while reducing logistics costs.

Chainalytics’ Reverse Logistics Strategy service effectively improves the returns and repairs operations of your organization by effectively answering these questions:

  • How flexible is our current reverse logistics operations?
  • Are we maximizing asset disposition and properly employing secondary markets?
  • How can we reduce costs within our reverse logistics operation?
  • Does our current insource or outsource operation apply to today’s market?  Do we have satisfactory customer service levels?
  • Who are the leading third-party providers in the industry?
  • How can we increase visibility to stakeholders (i.e. metrics and KPIs, dashboards, reporting)?

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