Per Norling

Founder & CEO, Rootstock Nordic AB


Mr. Norling joined the Rootstock team in December 2015 to launch Rootstock Nordic AB. Rootstock is an agile cloud-enabled enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution. As CEO, he is responsible for sales, implementation and support of Rootstock solutions in the Nordic region. Mr. Norling has an extensive background in ERP, supply chain and change management. His management experience includes CEO, Managing Director and Board Member positions at several industry leading companies. Along with his appointment to the board at Chainalytics, he also serves on the boards at Lexi Solution and Chessit. Previous board engagements include: Ascade, Actit, and TimeCare.

He has a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management with advanced course work in logistics and marketing from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University.