Managed Analytics Services

Advanced Production Planning

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Managed Analytics for Advanced Production Planning enables you to make better decisions on production run quantities, cycles, and sequences in order to reduce inventory levels and improve customer service — on a continuous basis with minimal investment in specialized planning resources and technology.

Leveraging our proprietary Planscape Production Planner (P3) application, Managed Analytics for Advanced Production Planning helps companies reconcile the need to provide exceptional customer service with the desire to manufacture efficiently. It’s an age-old supply chain problem: Distribution wants to ensure that all demands are filled and safety stocks are maintained; however, production would like longer production runs with fewer changeovers. When manufacturing is inflexible and disconnected from customer service, the result is painful — the double whammy of both excess inventories and stockouts.

Our Advanced Production Planning approach takes manufacturing planning and scheduling to a new level. With a powerful optimization solver and patented 3D graphics, P3 effectively re-invents the production planning process, creating better production plans and providing users with a superior way to understand, evaluate, and modify them.

As part of our Managed Analytics Services portfolio, Advanced Production Planning has many benefits:

  • Ensures a consistent, repeatable production planning process
  • Provides realistic production plans that take into account capacity and labor constraints
  • Improves visibility into the current situation and any projected demand and inventory shortages
  • Prioritizes key customer demands when supply is constrained
  • Determines how to pre-build inventory to handle seasonal demand
  • Ensures tangible results through better customer services and lower inventory levels

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