Supply Chain Design

Supply Chain Network Design

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Chainalytics’ Supply Chain Network Design service provides a fact-based analysis to help you determine how to most efficiently serve customers, consolidate new assets, or expand into new markets or products.

Our service helps you to minimize costs and maximize profits by considering facility location and capacity, customer service requirements, material flow, product portfolios and pricing.

Chainalytics’ Supply Chain Network Design service effectively answers the following questions:

  • Where should our facilities be located? How large should they be?
  • When and where should we add additional production or storage capacity?
  • What transport modes and lanes should be used to move products throughout the network?
  • Which customers and products should be served from each facility?
  • As a result of a recent or proposed merger, what would an optimal, combined supply chain look like?
  • What products should we make and sell? What customers should we serve to maximize profits?
  • Should we maintain our current channel-focused strategy, adopt a “go-direct” model, or some combination of the two?
  • Into what new markets or industries should we expand? From what existing markets, channels, or product lines, should we withdraw?
  • How will proposed changes in pricing affect the overall profitability of the supply chain?

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