2017 ISTA TransPack Forum

At the upcoming ISTA TransPack Forum event, Tom Blanck, Principal Industry Supply Chains at Chainalytics will present, “Solving Supply Chain Issues Utilizing Tom Blanck Speakinga Packaging Testing Approach.”

When customer complaints are increasing or if damage warranty claims keep creeping up, it is often a signal that something has changed in the distribution supply chain. Often, causes of packaging damage can be difficult to determine when these packaging systems have worked in the past and if they have passed current test protocols.

Today’s supply chain is ever evolving and new hazards and events can work their way into proven distribution systems. When these situations arise, some basic principles can help identify what has changed and what has gone wrong. This presentation is a look into situations where companies had to figure things out fast – and solve for new shipping damage situations.

In this session, attendees will learn:

  • The importance of seeing your supply chain to identify distribution hazards
  • Recreating damage is a key step in solving for damage
  • Not every test is “in the book” of traditional ISTA or ASTM test methods; sometimes you need to create unique, customized test methods to replicate your supply chain

Contact Tom at tblanck@chainalytics.com to meet up at the show!



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