5 ways packaging affects your Net Promoter Score

How can packaging influence your Net Promoter Score, which provides a snapshot of customer satisfaction and loyalty? 

By Rob Kaszubowski in Protective Packaging,  February 13, 2018

What’s Net Promoter Score and what’s packaging got to do with it? Turns out NPS is a great indicator of business growth that can be influenced by ecommerce packaging in five ways.

Many analysts agree an organization’s Net Promoter Score can be a great indicator of business growth. Consumer goods companies are constantly looking for their edge and seek a mechanism to gain feedback and insight on their market health and impact of their products upon consumers. There are a number of factors that can contribute to a consumer’s input on a Net Promoter Score survey. We’ve approached this subject from the packaging engineer’s perspective and have identified packaging’s ties to NPS below. [Full Story]

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