The Perfect Storm for Supply Chain Costs | CFO

Mix together an economic rebound, rising interest rates and a driver shortage and what do you get? The makings of supply chain turbulence in 2015. >>Michael Kilgore

The economy is coming out of the worst recession since the 1930s, but that doesn’t mean that next year will be smooth sailing for businesses. The threat of inflation increasing short-term borrowing rates and inventory carrying costs, paired with a truck driver shortage and rising freight rates could lead to a rough year for CFOs of product based companies. They will be challenged with guiding financial policy in a marketplace slated for large transportation and inventory cost increases throughout 2015.

In this article published in CFO, Michael Kilgore, CEO of Chainalytics,  gives CFOs the guidance they need to weather the storm. His advice for maintaining a healthy bottom line in 2015 is to  aggressively segment customer service levels and increase attention to tactical planning.

Read the entire article on CFO’s website.

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