Get the Air Out | World Trade 100

FedEx sent a message to shippers, and UPS has followed — improve density or pay the price


FedEx and UPS are changing the game for shippers as they launch their new dimensional weight shipping pricing in at the beginning of the year. With these changes right around the corner, businesses must begin preparing for the considerable increases in transportation costs and their effect on supply chains. This article, written by World Trade 100’s Perry A. Trunick, supply chain experts from Chainalytics and other companies comment on the effects that dimensional weight shipping will have on supply chains in 2015.

Insights from Chainalytics include: “If the retail industry needed a catalyst for change — one that nearly mandates more efficient and sustainable packaging practices — FedEx has provided it.” With 92 percent of online shoppers willing to abandon their cart if free shipping is not offered, the new shipping pricing will mean huge changes for retailers in the coming years.

These changes don’t have to be bad news for your supply chain, with a focus on smarter packaging and efforts to get the air out, businesses can find long-term financial savings.


Read the entire article on World Trade 100’s website.

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