Navigating the Upcoming Maelstrom of Data-Filled Used Products

It’s always at least a little reassuring to know that you’re not the first person to experience a particular problem. Studying how others dealt with a similar issue often provides the clarity to develop a similar, and sometimes better, solution of your own.

A pretty wide swath of electronics manufacturers (read: just about all of them) are about to find themselves submerged in brand new waters. That’s because the Internet of Things is set to explode. Gartner predicts that there will be 6.4 billion electronic devices connected to the internet by the end of this year, and it thinks that number will hit 20.8 billion by 2020, and other analysts are making even loftier projections. Whoever is right, it’s going to take a lot more than cell phones and Fitbits to hit the numbers. [Full Story]




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