
Strategy & Transformation

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Chainalytics’ Transportation Strategy & Transformation can help you evaluate your transportation management organization, systems, and processes to improve your overall transportation performance.

Chainalytics provides a competitive analysis of your transportation technology and practices, across procurement, planning, execution, payment, and metrics – identifying the “gaps” between industry best practices and your current practices, organizational structure, and technologies. This Transportation Strategy & Transformation will uncover opportunities for transportation management improvement, outline your firm’s most critical transportation-related shortcomings, and prioritize suggested improvement projects.

Chainalytics’ Transportation Strategy & Transformation can help you effectively answer the following questions:

  • Is our transportation strategy appropriately aligned with the company’s business objectives?
  • Are we getting the most out of our current transportation systems, and do they sufficiently support our business objectives?
  • Should we outsource/insource transportation functions?
  • Why don’t we achieve the anticipated savings our transportation planning tool helped us identify?
  • How can we gain visibility to our freight and be more proactive when issues arise?
  • Are we organized effectively to deliver world-class logistics performance?
  • How do our transportation processes compare to others?

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