Integrated Demand and Supply Planning


Chainalytics’ Inventory services help you set inventory targets, raise fill rates and on-time in-full (OTIF) performance, and optimally position raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods inventory throughout your supply chain network for minimum total cost to serve and highest return on invested capital.

Inventory Optimization: Optimize your inventory and service level targets through the use of industry-leading multi-echelon stochastic inventory modeling and prescriptive analytics. Factor in demand and order behavior, volatility, lead times, replenishment minimums, and more to determine the optimal amount of inventory needed to meet or exceed your desired fill rates and product availability. Quantify your opportunity and business case for reducing lost sales, accelerating revenue, and expanding margin, and maximize your ROIC.

Service Level Strategy: Determine what mix of service levels to set across different portions of your portfolio to maximize the return on your working capital. Optimize not only inventory levels, but service targets and inventory levels at the same time, creating differentiated strategies for setting higher service where the business benefits the most, while reducing inventory investment in areas which are less efficient and contribute negatively to the bottom line while shifting capital away from the product availability which will drive the top line.

Inventory Deployment: Determine where to stock each item, and evaluate alternative deployment and fulfillment strategies from a total network, logistics, and cost to serve perspective, factoring in transportation, distribution, and inventory dynamics in a single holistic approach spanning both flow path and inventory optimization techniques. Model and evaluate slow-mover stocking consolidation, postponement and delayed differentiation, hub and spoke fulfillment, and other advanced stocking strategies. Quantify the business benefits of adoption before you make operational changes.

Inventory Optimization Technology Requirements Development:  Determine and document the needs of your business and formulate requirements for selection and use of inventory target setting and optimization technology.

Inventory Optimization Technology Selection Support: Get the experts on your side before and during engagement with providers to select a new planning technology. Create RFPs, use cases and demo scripts, scoring criteria, and facilitate workshops and the overall selection project.

Inventory Optimization Technology Implementation and Transformation: Implement or re-configure your inventory optimization technology, from process design, to change management and PMO, to user acceptance testing and end-user training. Translate requirements into configuration specifications, create optimized solution architecture, implement functional and technical designs, test, tune, and go-live.

Inventory Optimization as a Service (IOaaS): Don’t want to procure or sustain multi-echelon inventory optimization technology or maintain the specialized resource skillset to refresh the process carefully? Chainalytics can provide inventory target setting as a Managed Analytics Service (MAS) through longer-term outsourcing arrangements.

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