Supply Chain Design

Supply Chain Segmentation

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Chainalytics’ Supply Chain Segmentation service helps you define product and customer segments based on how they consume resources in the supply chain rather than traditional marketing or financial classifications.

This unique methodology classifies products into Logistically Distinct Product (LDP) categories and customers into Logistically Distinct Customer (LDC) categories by their common impact on manufacturing capacity, inventory behavior, transportation costs, and service requirements. This service allows you to understand ongoing true cost and profit implications of product and customer behavior on supply chain resources.

Chainalytics’ Supply Chain Segmentation service can help you more efficiently consume resources by answering these questions:

  • How many unique supply chains should we maintain for our varied products and customers?
  • How do we segment products based on common cost drivers and resource consumption?
  • Should supply chain segmentation vary depending on a product’s stage in its lifecycle?
  • Which channels and market segments have unique demands on the supply chain?
  • Do particular regulatory requirements require certain products to uniquely flow through the supply chain?
  • Which products and customers have unique patterns of demand variability and uncertainty?

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