Mexico trucking benchmarks to launch in August

Mexican shippers trying to cut trucking costs amid the country’s tight capacity and elevated rates will soon be able to compare rate quotes with benchmarks put together by Chainalytics and a Mexican partner.

The venture’s first truck-route pricing benchmarks will be available next month and offer the potential to strengthen a shipper’s negotiating position and help cut routing costs, said Atlanta-based Chainalytics, a supply chain consultant. The company is working with Mexico City-based TSOL, a consulting firm and reseller of third-party software solutions, which says the truck benchmarking system is the first of its kind in Mexico.

The benchmarks will initially be based on data provided by a consortium of nine shippers that are crunched and analyzed to provide a detailed report of the rates offered on different routes. Working through a web-based dashboard, participants can also get an estimate of market rates for particular routes based on factors including the distance, geographic location, and type of equipment used.

Chainalytics has for more than a decade created benchmarks in the US based on data provided by shippers and third-party logistics providers. The company also provides similar benchmarks in Europe. But there is “nothing like it” available in the Mexican market, said Erik Markeset, CEO of TSOL.

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