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  • Flexible, agile, responsive…these and other such words have become increasingly commonplace, but since a couple of years ago – thanks in part to the likes of Donald Trump and Boris Johnson – there really is no getting away from them. Whether in relation to the trade war between China and...

  • Record-setting online holiday sales forecasts combined with new try-before-you-buy business models are expected to propel upwards of $550 billion in returns this year. To minimize the impact on the supply chain and boost overall profitability, companies need to assess their reverse logistics network for opportunities to increase capacity, improve inventory...

  • Mexican shippers trying to cut trucking costs amid the country’s tight capacity and elevated rates will soon be able to compare rate quotes with benchmarks put together by Chainalytics and a Mexican partner. The venture’s first truck-route pricing benchmarks will be available next month and offer the potential to strengthen...

  • First, Amazon made two-day shipping the norm. Now, as it aims to cut that to a single day, the company is encouraging its employees to quit and start their own delivery businesses. Under a new incentive program, announced on Monday, Amazon said that it would fund up to $10,000 in...

  • MEMPHIS — US truckload pricing is no longer rising but dropping. Truckload contract rates will fall 5 percent on average over the course of the first half, Matt Harding, vice president of Chainalytics, said at the Transportation & Logistics Council’s (T&LC) annual conference here Tuesday. “We’re seeing extremely soft conditions”...

  • Three actionable ways to reduce your company’s reliance on expanded polystyrene and environmental footprint in the plant and throughout the supply chain. Increased numbers of manufacturers and retailers are undertaking initiatives to eliminate or significantly reduce their use of expanded polystyrene over the next decade (for example, see Target’s goal to...

  • More companies are pointing to rising freight costs as a drag on earnings and growth, as trucking companies raise rates at a historic pace and one says finding trucks is getting ‘ugly’ By Jennifer Smith, The Wall Street Journal, August 9, 2018 Empty trucks are so hard to come by...

  • Transportation and warehousing companies added 15,600 jobs in July even as hiring in the broader U.S. economy cooled By Jennifer Smith, August 3, 2018 Wall Street Journal Logistics sector hiring kept up a brisk pace in July as delivery firms, trucking companies and warehouse operators added 15,600 jobs ahead of...