Packaging Optimization

HomeSupply Chain Consulting 〉Packaging Optimization

Our packaging engineers employ a holistic approach to develop the best packaging system designs for your supply chain – designs which reduce costs, improve sustainability, and increase customer satisfaction.

The proven packaging engineering methods used by our team rapidly identify solutions that minimize your upfront investment, provide sufficient protection, and generate the desired results. Plus, Chainalytics does not sell or broker any packaging materials or equipment which means our assessments and recommendations are unbiased. Our focus is solving your packaging challenge while adding profit to your bottom line.

Our capabilities

Product damage occurs in a variety of ways, resulting in wasted materials, lower profit margins, a decline in customer satisfaction and lost value within your supply chain. Learn more ➜

Chainalytics’ team of certified packaging professionals evaluates existing packaging system designs and engineers new solutions to ensure your packaging creates positive financial impacts for your supply chain. Learn more ➜

As the percentage of online sales continues to increase each year, organizations are expected to meet expedited lead times while ensuring products arrive safely at the final destination. However, many organizations have yet to develop a packaging strategy optimized for omni-channel distribution. Learn more ➜

Introducing new products allows a company to remain competitive, but the packaging associated with that product is often an afterthought. Chainalytics can help develop a fresh package design that not only helps promote your product but provides the necessary protective capabilities as well. Learn more ➜

Manufacturers and retailers now realize the importance of adopting sustainability practices, particularly as it pertains to their packaging solutions. As a result, organizations seek new methods to increase their usage of recyclable materials while simultaneously eliminating unnecessary waste, all while ensuring the product receives maximum protection. Learn more ➜

Chainalytics offers its expertise in primary and transport packaging solutions to help companies develop packaging designs which will pass the required testing to earn Amazon’s certification for Prep-Free Packaging (PFP), Ships-in-Own Container (SIOC), and Frustration-Free Packaging (FFP). Learn more ➜

Chainalytics’ combination of package engineering experience, industry expertise, and comprehensive supply chain knowledge delivers packaging optimized for both your product and bottom line. Reach out to us and see how Chainalytics can solve your unique packaging challenge.


Packaging Optimization: How to reduce product damage & improve supply chain results


Discover how your company can improve its distribution packaging to reduce product damage and improve supply chain performance in this free white paper.

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