Specialized Packaging Certification Support

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A trusted source for specialized package testing support, Chainalytics is an official participant in the Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network (APASS). Our team specializes in certifications for high-value, oversized, and fragile products.

Chainalytics offers its expertise in primary and transport packaging solutions to help companies develop packaging designs which will pass the required testing to earn Amazon’s certification for Prep-Free Packaging (PFP), Ships-in-Own Container (SIOC), and Frustration-Free Packaging (FFP).

Frequently asked questions

Use our calculator to see how much you could be saving by certifying your products. Find out now ➜

Big, bulky, high-value products

Engineering support for special products to enable FPP program certification

Engineer & design

Help to identify package system failure(s) and recommend alternative designs and/or materials

On-site consulting

More resources and knowledge in your testing lab using your testing capabilities

Program management

External packaging engineering expertise and support throughout the certification process

  • Evaluate your current packaging on its ability to protect your product in parcel distribution environment, and how it performs against 6-Amazon SIOC testing
  • Determine what packaging strategies you should consider for your customer’s delivery requirements
  • Ensure your packaging systems provide the best balance between cost, performance, and out-of-box experience
  • Ensure your ASIN portfolio is ready to review
  • Have a prioritized list of SKUs to focus the packaging improvement discussion
  • Determine if/how product samples can be sent to Chainalytics’ Packaging Development Center in Minneapolis, MN

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