Packaging Optimization

New Product Launch Support

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Launching an innovative product is crucial to remaining competitive in today’s marketplace. Pairing your products with the appropriate packaging design and protective system proves equally important. Chainalytics understands that fresh package design, when done correctly, will not only help to sell your products but can also ensure your customer experience meets expectations as they receive your product undamaged while using minimal packaging.

Our team of Certified Packaging Professionals can help product development leaders through all phases of an efficient product launch process by supporting them with innovative packaging solutions. Using our unbiased approach, we help you identify the optimal package design, the appropriate vendors for packaging sourcing, how to engineer for your distribution environment, ensure consistent packaging quality, and assist with the development of packaging documentation that best serves your brand’s reputation.

Additionally, Chainalytics’ New Product Launch Support service helps your organization closely evaluate packaging equipment and capital expenditures associated with your operational needs. We can help with implementation planning and the change management needed to navigate the product launches and efficiency innovations. Finally, once the right long-term packaging sources have been determined, we’ll work alongside your team to ensure supplier implementation and first article inspections are properly managed.

Our services help organizations implement solutions that address the following questions:

  • What packaging designs and materials are available in the market and how do I differentiate our packaging approach from my competition?
  • Who are the players with close proximity to my operation and what is a fair price that I should be paying?
  • What are the distribution hazards in my supply chain?
  • How do I simulate the shipping and handling that is representative in my supply chain?
  • How can we develop packaging specifications that we own and control?
  • What packaging machinery is required to automate the assembly process?
  • What is required to hit my scheduled launch date?
  • What details need to be examined to ensure 1st articles from material suppliers match specifications?
  • What are the core requirements from all key stakeholders that will ensure a successful new product introduction inclusive of an innovative package?

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