Supply Chain Intelligence

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The practice of benchmarking has existed for many years. Its origins can be traced to scientific time studies conducted by Frederick Taylor in the late 1800s. While it has evolved into many popular forms, like activity-based costing and scorecards, many traditional benchmarking approaches are limited in their application to supply chain management. Without a true “apples-to-apples” comparison, a company can’t be sure if its performance is sustainable.

Chainalytics developed a model-based benchmarking approach which addresses this shortcoming by integrating the best elements of traditional benchmarking with advanced machine learning  techniques. To better understand market dynamics, Chainalytics collects, normalizes, and analyzes transaction-level data using econometric regression modeling.

Subsequently, Chainalytics incorporates qualitative data into the analysis to evaluate the impact of various operating policies and practices.  This proprietary approach is foundational to Chainalytics’ membership-based Supply Chain Intelligence service offerings, including the Freight Market Intelligence Consortium and Demand Planning Intelligence Consortium.

Our capabilities

Chainalytics’ Freight Market Intelligence Consortium provides strategic freight market intelligence, benchmarking, and comparative analysis to its members in a private forum.  Chainalytics provides objective insight into freight markets and proactive advice to members enabling them to make better strategic and tactical decisions regarding transportation and supporting business practices. Learn more ➜

Chainalytics’ Managed Analytics Services (MAS) is an expert-led approach to executing network design studies in a more cost-effective and responsive manner than repeating traditional, one-off, project based studies. As well, MAS enables efficient and insightful management of transportation activity across an entire network by providing expert-led analysis enabled by customer reporting that provides end-to-end visibility into transportation spend, performance, and contract compliance. Learn more ➜

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