Packaging Focus Brought into Design of 3D Printer | Supply Chain Brain Case Study

Manufacturer looking to launch a new line of 3D printers sees the value of having packaging and manufacturing engineers work collaboratively from the get-go.

Tremendous improvements can be made in packaging and shipping durability if packaging is considered during product design. This rang true for Stratasys when their manufacturing engineers collaborated with our packaging experts from the very beginning when developing Mojo, a new 3D printer.

This case study, published in Supply Chain Brain, lays out the journey of Mojo from conception to marketplace. Stratasys and Chainalytics collaborated to build not only an excellent printer, but also a durable one, perfectly designed for maximum shipability.

By the time Mojo hit the marketplace, the printer, when packed for shipping could withstand a 24-inch drop. Since then, there have been zero failures or returns of the printer, proving that consideration of packaging can significantly improve the design of a product.

Read the entire case study on Supply Chain Brain’s  digital magazine.


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