As the Supply Chain Evolves, So Must We…

By Patrick Boyle | Principal, Supply Chain Operations | Chainalytics

Organizations often lack the resources to successfully establish an end-to-end supply chain, let alone deal with the challenges associated with the ever-evolving complexity surrounding the digital era. So many components have to be considered when developing your operational strategy that it’s easy veer off course and suddenly find yourself stuck in the middle of nowhere with little idea on how to point yourself in the right direction.

Throughout my career in the supply chain industry, I’ve witnessed numerous complications or outdated methodologies in sales and operations planning, demand forecasting, transformation, shipping, and technology implementation, just to name a few. These processes are sophisticated to say the least, and, with a constantly evolving marketplace, keeping up with the solutions can be exhausting, if not overwhelming.

That being said, as a supply chain consultant, I am constantly fascinated by new developments and continually learn new ways to provide clients and partners with the best methods to meet challenges associated with changes in consumer habits, demand planning models, delivery methods, and more.

In my opinion, staying up-to-date on supply chain trends, strategies, and talking points remains vital to all supply chain community members. I have often found one of the better ways to achieve this is by attending networking events and conferences around the country to see what’s occurring in other areas within the industry. We are a tightknit community despite our field’s vast landscape, so it’s beneficial for all of us to gather together and share insights we have recently encountered.

This year at APICS 2017 Supply Chain Conference in San Antonio, I’m excited to meet with other supply chain experts as we discuss trends and challenges impacting the industry. The opportunity to network with other supply chain professionals always proves to be constructive and helps generate thought provoking ideas on topics ranging from data management and analysis, to inventory visibility and supply chain transformation, or risk management and the impact of millennial mindset.

One session that particularly grabs my attention is Berry Global’s case study presentation, “Building an End-to-End Supply Chain” presented by Christine Barnhart, supply planning manager at Berry Global. I’m interested to hear about the strategy and tools they implemented to establish, meet and maintain the supply chain objectives for their multi-billion dollar operation.

Also, fellow colleagues, Jim Haller and Kyle Ous will present a session entitled “Is Your Packaging Amazon-Ready?”  This session will take a closer look into the packaging and shipping realities of distribution through final-mile, ecommerce and Amazon channels as the migration from brick and mortar to direct delivery presents unique handling hazards that if not planned for, could result in damaged shipments, increased product returns, and dissatisfied customers.

If you plan on attending the conference from October 15-17, be sure to stop by the Chainalytics booth (#404) and chat with me about things you’ve learned while listening to all the great speakers or the potential of working together on future projects. I look forward to catching up with you in San Antonio!

Patrick Boyle–a Principal in Chainalytics’ Supply Chain Operations competency–has over 25 years of experience working with manufacturing companies and multiple industries across all of the disciplines of supply chain management, business process redesign and project management. He specializes in ensuring business transformation and team and organizational innovation and alignment. His collaborative leadership style and active continuing education in areas including APICS training, Supply Chain Council’s SCOR Model, PMI PMBOK in Project Management and Prosci Change Management enable him to inspire cross-functional teams to new levels of performance and capability.

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